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  • Grace

New Song - You Are Holy By Dave Bastow

If you have wondered about the artist behind the new music release YOU ARE HOLY: call it "a musical offering", his name is Dave Bastow. The man likes creating and producing incredible pieces about his Christian faith and journey.

In a recent press release, he described his studio-based music, combining electronic and instrumental recordings as the "song looks at our standing before God, namely, God is good, and we are the exact opposite. However, there is hope, if we put our trust in Jesus, we can be made whole (perfect/sinless)."

When asked the question: why INC3NSE EP? Dave said, "the incense offering (Hebrew: תֶ רֹטְ ק qetoret) in Judaism was related to fragrant offerings placed on the altar of incense in the time of the Tabernacle: the First and Second Temple period and was an essential component of priestly liturgy in the Jerusalem Temple".

Please get to know Dave Bastow and his music by clicking the play button and social media links below. All my media links can be found on My Linktree: INC3NSE_Link Tree

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