‘Ways Pure’, a collaborative single that arose out of a school’s tour in Queensland
Australia for a Logan festival known as Light of The World. Licy-Be (New
Zealander), TYJ (Tongan) and Izzy (Australian) came together over a meal and
shared our deep conviction and desire to truly honour God with our lives. As we sat in
Licy Be’s lounge, we shared our faith journeys with each other, we prayed & read
the word as we began to write. We landed on a scripture in Psalms 119 talking
about how to keep our ways pure.
In a world that is full of sin and darkness, something deep in our spirit desires
desperately to pursue God during difficult times. It’s not easy keeping to His path,
and so this song was a heart cry to Lord to help us stay on the narrow path. With
scripture as the basis of our prayers, we wrote from our hearts, incorporating parts
of our own stories into the verses. We reached out to our friend Matias Ruiz
(Argentina) for production, who bought the song to life. Mixed and mastered by
Dave Darby, a New Zealand producer Licy has worked with for years. Everyone that
collaborated on this song has a deep conviction and love for Jesus, this was
extremely important to us considering the nature of this song.
We sat on this song for almost a year before reaching out to Kingdmusic, we felt his
heart and passion for the Lord would enable him to communicate the chorus in a
powerful and convicting way. We are all from different parts of the world, yet His
word remains the same for us all. To stay on the narrow path and keep our ways
pure we must hold fast to the word of God. His word endures through every
generation, every nationality, young or old, we all need to know Christ our saviour
and cling to His word. We hope this song would touch lives and stir up conviction in
the hearts of the listeners.